Calling All Radio Enthusiasts: NYU WIRELESS’S Ted Rappaport Hosts a Field Day

Today, when palm-sized devices can connect people to nearly anyone they wish, from almost anywhere in the world, one might be excused for thinking amateur, or “ham”, radio is a thing of bygone days, buried behind old copies of “Dick Tracy” and “The Hardy Boys.” Not so. Amateur radio operators are more important now than ever, particularly since …

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All Eyes On 6G: NYU Tandon Wins Spot in DARPA Consortium to Jumpstart Wireless Innovation

BROOKLYN, New York, Wednesday, May 9, 2018 — While fifth-generation (5G) wireless  technologies and protocols are still in development, researchers at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering are reaching even further into the future as partners in ComSenTer, a newly formed hub for advanced wireless and sensing research founded by a consortium of industrial participants and …

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Millimeter Wave Mobile Communications for 5G Cellular? It’s Working!

In 2014, when the first Brooklyn 5G Summit was held at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, many were skeptical. It had been just a year since Theodore “Ted” Rappaport, the founding director of the multidisciplinary academic research center NYU WIRELESS, first advocated for the potential of the millimeter wave (mmWave) spectrum with the publication of his seminal paper …

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NYU Tandon Opens First Cleanroom, Advancing Brooklyn’s Position at the Forefront of Science and Technology

The NYU Tandon School of Engineering today will preview Brooklyn’s first cleanroom, where scientists and engineers from across greater New York will fabricate advanced materials and devices on the micro- and nano-scale in order to push the boundaries of established scientific principles and future technology. Such fabrication facilities are essential to experiments in nanotechnology, quantum …

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5G Millimeter Wave Wireless: Trials, Testimonies, and Target Rollouts

Prof. Ted Rappaport, founding director of NYU WIRELESS, presented the keynote address for the first millimeter wave systems (mmSys) workshop at the 2018 IEEE INFOCOM conference in Hawaii on April 16, 2018, commemorating the 5 year anniversary since the publication of NYU’s landmark paper “Millimeter Wave Mobile Communications for 5G cellular: It will work!” Rappaport’s …

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