FCC Spectrum Frontiers Workshop

The FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, and the International Bureau hosted a workshop exploring the concepts raised in the Commission’s Spectrum Frontiers NPRM and the state of technological developments in the millimeter wave (mmW) bands. In parallel to the workshop, OET, WTB, and IB hosted equipment demonstrations illustrating some of the technologies enabling advanced wireless services in the mmW bands. The workshop and tech demonstration were held on Thursday, March 10, 2016, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in the Commission Meeting Room (CMR) at FCC Headquarters in Washington, DC.
Watch the full workshop online: www.fcc.org
Professor Ted Rappaport provided the keynote presentation on “The New World of Millimeter-Wave Mobile Communication.” Rappaport’s presentation begins around the 24 minute mark.
Download Rappaport’s presentation: tranisition.fcc.gov