NYU WIRELESS is a vibrant academic research center that is pushing the boundaries of wireless communications, sensing, networking, and devices.
Centered at NYU Tandon and involving leaders from industry, faculty and students throughout the entire NYU community, NYU WIRELESS offers its industrial affiliate sponsors, students, and faculty members a world-class research environment that is creating fundamental knowledge, theories and techniques for future mass-deployable wireless devices across a wide range of applications and markets
Every January, NYU WIRELESS hosts an annual recruiting day for all of its students and Industrial Affiliate sponsors, and hosts a major invitation-only wireless summit every April, in cooperation with Nokia Bell Laboratories, for the center’s Industrial Affiliates and thought leaders throughout the global telecommunications industry.

NYU Wireless’ research spans multiple underlying technologies, protocol layers, and vertical domains to shape the future of connectivity and the applications they will enable.
Our current research focuses are in the areas of: Wireless Communications & Sensing; Networking, Edge Computing, & Security; Circuits and Devices; Applications; AI/ML in Wireless; Testbeds & Prototypes.
- see research projects

NYU WIRELESS has state-of-the art RF/Analog circuit design, simulation, and hardware testing capabilities for semiconductor devices up to 220 GHz.
Students and faculty are already familiar with proper procedures for IC design, layout, and testing, and have conducted successful tape-outs using IBM’s SOI 45 nm LEAP process (180 GHz phased array antenna) through MOSIS, as well as several successful shuttle runs on TSMC’s 130 nm process.

Faculty in NYU WIRELESS are research leaders with expertise in wireless communications, distributed computing and networking, radiology, medical imaging, surgery, diagnostics, and the life sciences.
- meet our faculty
Students in NYU WIRELESS are emerging research leaders with expertise in wireless communications, distributed computing and networking, radiology, medical imaging, surgery, diagnostics, and the life sciences.
- meet our students

industrial affiliates

The industrial affiliates program provides support of infrastructure, student internships, and fellowship opportunities. The program also offers access to the NYU WIRELESS publication library, wireless propagation database and the student resume book.
The return on this investment comes quickly to those companies that are involved in research and recruitment. The industrial affiliate relationship is an excellent way to get broad access to research; it aids in recruiting efforts; and sets the stage for additional teaming opportunities.
- learn more about our affilaite program

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