NYU WIRELESS Researchers Win Award for Smart COVID19 Biotracker Necklace

Due to the outbreak of the 2019 novel Coronavirus and the shock to the healthcare systems, it is critical to conduct fundamental research and scientific studies on the development of smart and scalable technologies that can be produced rapidly and in large scales for (a) continual in-home and in-hospital objective tracking of multiple symptoms using wearable sensors, (b) detecting early

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Fact check: 5G technology is not linked to coronavirus

Conspiracy theories that the novel coronavirus is caused by new telecommunications technology have gained traction over the past few weeks, despite a consensus among experts that such claims are wrong. “The frequencies of 5G waves are so much lower in power and still four orders of magnitude, or 10,000 times less, than ionizing waves, which are …

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As Wireless Providers Roll Out 5G Technology, How Close Are We To 6G And Beyond?

The next iteration of wireless technology promises to deliver data at speeds up to 10 times faster than current in-home broadband technology, and wireless service providers and hardware retailers are eagerly marketing its arrival to peddle their wares. For more on that, The Show got a hold of Ted Rappaport, a professor and founding director …

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