NYUSIM 5G Channel Simulator Now Available

NYU WIRELESS just released a ground-breaking new NYUSIM Channel Simulator. The NYUSIM Channel Simulator provides a complete statistical channel model and simulation code with an easy-to-use interface for generating realistic spatial and temporal wideband channel impulse responses. The simulator is based on the following papers: “3-D Millimeter-Wave Statistical Channel Model for 5G Wireless System Design,” …

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NYU WIRELESS Papers Rank in IEEE’s Top 100 Downloaded Publications

NYU WIRELESS recently had 4 papers in the top 100 downloaded papers throughout the entire universe of IEEE publications. This is a remarkable accomplishment, showing that the support from the NYU WIRELESS Industrial Affiliates and the NSF and NIH, and the tireless efforts by NYU WIRELESS graduate students and faculty, are combining to make a …

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NYU WIRELESS wins NSA Grant for Prototyping on mmWave Phased Arrays

As the 5G standardization process gathers momentum, it is increasingly clear that millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies of above 30GHz will play a critical role in overcoming the spectrum crunch in the traditional 4G bands. In addition to the enormous amounts of spectrum available in these bands, the small wavelengths in mmWave signals enable both the …

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FCC to make 4x more licensed, ‘flexible use’ spectrum available in Spectrum Frontiers move

If the FCC votes to adopt the proposed Spectrum Frontiers rulemaking on July 14, it will be making available more spectrum for flexible use wireless broadband than ever before: A total of 10.85 GHz, giving wireless operators and others a whole lot more spectrum to play with. The FCC released a fact sheet on Thursday …

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NYU Wireless’ Rappaport encouraged by US policy on 5G spectrum

One of the biggest proponents for unleashing millimeter wave spectrum in the U.S. said this week that he’s encouraged by what the FCC is doing – in fact, it’s exceeding even his expectations. Ted Rappaport, IEEE fellow and founding director of NYU Wireless, along with a group of NYU Wireless students, authored the paper “Millimeter …

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5G Leadership Must Be a ‘National Priority,’ FCC Chair Says

In a major speech given yesterday, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced the government’s contribution to 5G is to make significant amounts of radio spectrum available for new 5G technologies, a simple but highly impactful approach to fostering 5G innovation in the United States. NYU WIRELESS has been convening industry leaders and academic researchers in 5G …

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Researchers Find the Right Balance to Speed Wireless Downloads Through Judicious Use of Duplexing

In a world of 7 billion cell phones, wireless service providers are always searching for ways to maximize the efficiency of wireless spectrum to improve service. The so-called “half duplex” radios that comprise today’s cellular base stations perform two functions: They send signals and receive signals. Yet, despite a decade of dizzying advances in speed, …

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NYU WIRELESS Study Predicts Trouble For 5G Cellular, Offers Simple Solution

The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), comprising seven telecommunications standard development organizations, will soon choose among channel models to adopt as testing standards for 5G cellular systems. However, a new study by Theodore (Ted) S. Rappaport, the Ernst Weber/David Lee professor of electrical engineering at NYU Tandon School of Engineering and founding director of NYU …

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Massey University researchers delve into potential health impacts of 5G

Massey University in New Zealand says it has received funding to investigate whether there will be any adverse effects of electromagnetic radiation to human health caused by 5G networks. The project “Analysing Harmful Electromagnetic Exposure due to Future Millimeter Wave Transmissions” is funded by the Lottery Health Research Fund and will be carried out over …

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NYU Team Wins ICC 2016 Best Paper Award

Sanjay Goyal, a PhD student, along with Prof. Shivendra Panwar at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, in joint work with Carlo Galiotto and Nicola Marchetti of CONNECT, Trinity College Dublin have won the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2016 Best Paper Award. IEEE ICC is the annual flagship conference of the IEEE Communications Society, …

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