Improved Network Performance Over 5G mmWave Cellular

In this project we aim at designing a transport layer protocol optimized for the mmWave access network, and for the new class of applications that it will enable, aiming to work seamlessly across a connection consisting of both wireline and wireless segments. In our recent ICC paper submission “The Bufferbloat Problem over Intermittent Multi-Gbps mmWave …

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NYU Tandon’s Elza Erkip Garners Prestigious Engineering Award

Elza Erkip, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, will be the 2016 recipient of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Women in Communications Engineering (WICE) Award for her outstanding technical work in communications engineering and for bringing a high degree of visibility to the field. …

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NYU WIRELESS grad student wins award from Marconi Society for 5G research

George MacCartney, Jr., a 27-year-old grad student at NYU Tandon, has won a Marconi Society 2016 Paul Baran Young Scholar Award for his work on 5G wireless technology. MacCartney works with Professor Ted Rappaport in the use of the millimeter wave wireless communications. Research into the use of ultra high frequency wavelengths has been one …

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Rural test of 5G cellular technology by NYU Tandon prof outperforms expectations

Millimeter waves traveled farther and more accurately than expected, according to a presentation from NYU Tandon’s Ted Rappaport. The professor used measurements taken by him and his students in his rural Virginia summer home this August to generate the first rural path loss model for millimeter wave frequencies at 73 GHz. “To their delight, the …

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5G Survives a Critical Test: The Backcountry

Researchers from New York University have offered a surprising demonstration of millimeter-wave wireless communications. While this largely unused and untested frequency band—usually assumed to be a key component of 5G—is characterized by its poor performance across long distances and among even low-density intervening objects (like bushes), engineering professor Ted Rappaport and colleagues found in experiments …

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Could Increased Millimeter Wave Network Range for Wireless Broadband Offer Rural Applications?

A New York University (NYU) student research team pushed the envelope for millimeter wave network range in a recently conducted field test in rural southwest Virginia. Setting up a millimeter wave transmitter on the porch of the country home of their professor Ted Rappaport, the students found that they could receive signals at distances of …

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Millimeter Waves Travel More Than 10 Kilometers in Rural Virginia 5G Experiment

A key 5G technology got an important test over the summer in an unlikely place. In August, a group of students from New York University packed up a van full of radio equipment and drove for ten hours to the rural town of Riner in southwest Virginia. Once there, they erected a transmitter on the …

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Tandon Student Research Posters Win First and Second Place at IEEE Symposium

As more of the world increases its use of wireless devices and networks, researchers and telecommunication companies face challenges in how to balance the burden of billions of users with the demand for faster and more efficient networks. These challenges also occupy the minds of Electrical and Computer Engineering researchers at NYU Tandon, whose doctoral …

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5 Academic Institutions Building 5G Technology

It’s likely that 5G, the term used to describe the next-generation of mobile networks, will be a complicated mish-mash of technologies. Some of the 5G vision includes existing technologies like LTE and LTE-Advanced Pro, self-organizing networks (SON), software-defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV). But 5G will also likely include lesser-known technologies like massive …

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