NYU WIRELESS ranked first in the world for 5G research

FierceWirelessTech July 6, 2015 “Part of their research activities involve the development of a massive database of mmWave radio channel measurements collected from Manhattan and Brooklyn. The campus of NYU is used as a “living laboratory” to emulate realistic operating scenarios and real-world channel effects for base stations, mobile users and backhaul devices in mmWave …

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Nokia Networks, NYU WIRELESS Host Brooklyn 5G Summit to Advance a Super-Fast Generation of Mobile Communications

Global industry leaders and academics showcase newest technology and research Brooklyn, New York, USA – 8 April 2015 Global leaders and top researchers exploring the next, ultra-fast generation of mobile communications will begin gathering today at the Brooklyn 5G Summit, jointly organized by Nokia Networks and the university research center NYU WIRELESS. The second annual …

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CableLabs Joins NYU WIRELESS as Race to 5G Mobile Heats Up

Cable Industry Research Consortium Becomes 12th Affiliate of University Research Center Exploring Super-Fast Data Transfer via Millimeter Wave Spectrum NYU WIRELESS announced today that CableLabs, the non-profit research consortium for the cable industry, has joined the university research center as it drives the development of the next super-fast generation of mobile technology, 5G.  CableLabs becomes …

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NYU WIRELESS says U.S. falling behind in 5G, presses FCC to act now on mmWave spectrum

Source: fiercewireless.com While other parts of the world are making strides in 5G research and development, the United States should look to millimeter wave (mmWave) technology to make sure it is not left behind–and it’s got to act fast. That’s the summation of a more than 50-page filing that NYU Wireless submitted to the FCC. The …

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The Race For 5G: NYU WIRELESS Researchers File Comments With FCC To Shape The Future Of Wireless

Researchers Urge a Rapid Allocation of New Spectrum to Boost U.S. Position in Global Race The latest shot in a 21st century moon race of sorts was fired this week, as researchers from NYU WIRELESS answered a call for input by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to help shape 5G, the ultra-fast future of wireless communications. …

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NYU WIRELESS Professor Named IEEE Fellow

Sundeep Rangan, a professor and director of the research center NYU WIRELESS, and Ivan Selesnick, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, have been named Fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The IEEE grade of Fellow is conferred by the organization’s board of directors …

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NYU WIRELESS Team Awarded Research Grant

A team of faculty from the NYU School of Engineering, including Ozgur Sinanoglu, Ramesh Karri, and Davood Shahrjerdi, has received a $450K research grant from Semiconductor Research Corporation. The overall goal of this research is to investigate novel aspects of NanoElectroMechanical Systems (NEMS) for applications in hardware security. Prof. Shahrjerdi’s group at NYU WIRELESS will …

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NYU WIRELESS Associate Director Receives NSF Funding

Dennis Shasha, Associate Director of NYU WIRELESS, has received $700,000 in funding from the NSF(National Science Foundation). Shasha is exploring the genomic basis for how plants use Nitrogen. His projects aim to figure out how to make farming more efficient, as well as minimize the impact of fertilizer on the environment. The recent NSF funding …

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