The Brooklyn 5G Summit Displays Progress toward Next Communications Revolution

It’s a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that we’re still about three and a half years or so off from the commercial release of 5G capability. This is especially true knowing just what it can do. In fact, a great place to find out is at the third annual Brooklyn 5G Summit April 20-22, 2016, and co-sponsor Nokia is set to bring some exciting new developments to the event which will surely whet appetites for 5G to get here faster.

Not only will the Brooklyn 5G Summit feature a variety of leaders in several fields—automotive, healthcare and mobile are slated to be on hand—but it will also play host to several new actual developments as Nokia shows off some of its advances in both 5G development and the Internet of Things (IoT).  Set for display are Nokia’s AirScale Radio Access system for backing up early deployments of 5G, the autonomous mmWave small cell, and a slate of advancements in what’s called 5G network slicing. 5G network slicing allows one single network to be divided into a multi-service operation, thus better allowing the specific needs of things like automotive connectivity to be met.

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