Prof. Ted Rappaport Delivers Keynote Address at IEEE’S International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2014

ted-1With more than 50,000 members, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Communications Society  is one of the largest and most active of all the organization’s subgroups, and since its founding in 1952, it has become the major international forum for the exchange of ideas on communications and information networking. Its International Conference on Communications (ICC) is widely acknowledged as the world’s leading venue dedicated to the advancement of wireless and wireline communications and its speakers to be among the most renowned in their fields.

Theodore “Ted” Rappaport, the head of NYU WIRELESS and the David Lee/Ernst Weber Professor of Electrical Engineering at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering,  was one of  four keynote speakers at ICC 2014, held in Sydney, Australia.

Rappaport’s keynote address, ““Defining the Wireless Future–Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications: The Renaissance of Computing and Communications,” explored the remarkable expansion in capacity and services that future millimeter-wave communications will offer and discusses the many technical problems that are within reach of being solved to enable completely new applications and solutions that will bring wireless communications into a new age.

The invitation to keynote at the multi-day conference is far from the first time that Rappaport has been honored by the IEEE. A longtime IEEE fellow, he counts among his more recent laurels the 2012 William E. Sayle Achievement Award from the IEEE Education Society.

Prof. Rappaport’s Keynote Address: International Conference on Communications (ICC’ 14), June 13, 2014 , Sydney, Australia.

Defining the Wireless Future – Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications: The Renaissance of Computing and Communications.

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