Software Defined Radios for the Upper Mid-Band

Software Defined Radios for the Upper Mid-Band


Research Overview

The upper mid-band — roughly from 6 to 24 GHz — has attracted considerable recent interest for new wireless services.   Developing systems in these bands presents several challenges including the need to share spectrum with incumbents including communication satellites; operate over a wide bandwidth; and adaptively utilize spatial and bandwidth degrees of freedom.   In this project, NYU is collaborating with NYU start-up Pi-Radio to build a wideband software defined radio (SDR) for experimentation in the upper mid-band to tackle these challenges.

The proposed system has several valuable features for developing spectrally agile wide band systems:

  • Support over the full FR3 band (6-24 GHz) with fast band switching and a quad band antenna board.
  • Fully digital 8 channel in each band
  • Wide bandwidth 1 Gsps per channel
  • Embedded logic in the ARM cores for ultra-fast control for spectrum agility
  • Interface support for MATLAB, Python, OAI and O-RAN