Electrical & Computer Engineering
Phone: | 631.755.4226 |
Email: | itl211@nyu.edu |
Office: | 6 MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201 |
Dr. Lu’s research interests are wireless communications, underwater acoustics communications, electromagnetic wave, and signal processing. Current projects include RFID and MIMO system analysis and design for wireless indoor communications, OFDM communication system design for underwater unmanned vehicles, and EMC & EMI analysis for sensor managements on US Navy aircrafts.
Wireless Communications
Wave Propagation and Scattering
Signal Processing and Inverse Modeling with Interdisciplinary Applications
Underwater Acoustic Communications.
“Eigenreverberations, eigenmodes and hybrid combinations: a new approach to propagation in layered multiwave media”
I.T. Lu, L.B. Felsen and A.H. Kamel
Wave Motion 6, 435 467 (1984).
“Ray, mode and hybrid options for source excited propagation in an elastic plate”
I.T. Lu, and L.B. Felsen
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 78(2), 701 714, Aug. 1985.
“Matrix Green’s function for array type sources and receivers in multiwave layered media”
I.T. Lu, and L.B. Felsen
Geophys. J.R. Astron. Soc., 84, 31 42,1986.
“Ray, mode and hybrid options for time dependent responses in an elastic layer”
I.T. Lu, and L.B. Felsen
Geophys. J.R. Astron. Soc., 86, 177 201, 1986.
“Evaluation of beam fields reflected at a plane interface”
I.T. Lu, L.B. Felsen, Y.Z. Ruan and Z.L. Zhang
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., AP 35, 809 817, 1987.
“Adiabatic transform for spectral analysis and synthesis of weakly range dependent shallow ocean Green’s functions”
I.T. Lu and L.B. Felsen
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 81(4), 897 911, 1987.
“Spectral aspects of the Gaussian beam method: Reflection from an isovelocity half space”
I.T. Lu, L.B. Felsen and Y.Z. Ruan
Geophys. J. R. Astron. Soc., 89, 915 932, 1987.
“Ray treatment of wave propagation on thin walled curved elastic plates with truncations,”
L.B. Felsen and I.T. Lu
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 86 (1), 360 374, July 1989.
“Analysis of acoustic wave scattering by scatterers in layered media using the hybrid ray mode (boundary integral equation) method,”
I.T. Lu
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 86(3), 1136 1142, Sep. 1989.
“Observables due to beam to mode conversion of a high frequency Gaussian P wave input in an aluminum plate in vacuum,”
I.T. Lu, L.B. Felsen and J. M. Klosner
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 87 (1), 42 53, January 1990.
“Three dimensional Green’s function for fluid loaded thin elastic cylindrical shell: Formulation and solution,”
L.B. Felsen, J.M. Ho and I.T. Lu
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 87 (2), 543 553, February 1990.
“Three dimensional Green’s function for fluid loaded thin elastic cylindrical shell: Alternative representations and ray acoustic forms,”
L.B. Felsen, J.M. Ho and I.T. Lu
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 87 (2), 554 569, February 1990.
“Beam to mode conversion in an aluminum plate for ultrasonic NDE applications,”
I.T. Lu, L.B. Felsen and J. M. Klosner
ASME J. Eng. Mat. and Tech., Vol. 112, No. 2, April 1990, pp236 240.
“Electromagnetic excitation of a wire enclosed in a rectangular cavity by a plane wave incident on an aperture,”
B.L. Ma and I.T. Lu
J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp311 324, 1990.
“A Hybrid (boundary elements)-(finite elements)-ray-mode method for wave scattering by inhomogeneous scatterers in a waveguide,”
I.T. Lu and H. K. Jung
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 87, No. 3, pp988 996, March 1990.
“A hybrid ray mode (boundary element) method,”
I.T. Lu
J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 8, pp789 803, 1990.
“Analysis of Transmission line structures suspended between infinite parallel plates using a numerically efficient image mode Green’s function,”
I.T. Lu and R. Olesen
IEEE Trans. MTT., Vol. 38, No. 6, pp782 786, June 1990.
“Beams and modes for scattering from weak bonding flaws in a layered aluminum plate,”
I.T. Lu, L.B. Felsen, J.M. Klosner and C. Gabay
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 88(1), pp496 503, 1990.
“A hybrid ray mode moment method for wave scattering from an aperture coupled system,”
I.T. Lu and B. L. Ma
International Journal of Numerical Modeling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol.3, 171-182, 1990.
“Source field modeling by self consistent Gaussian beam superposition (two dimensional)”
L.B. Felsen, J.M. Klosner, I.T. Lu and Z. Grossfeld J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 89(1), 63-72, 1991.
“Intrinsic modes in a wedge shaped taper above anisotropic substrates,”
I.T. Lu
IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 27, No. 11, 2373-2377, Nov. 1991 .
“Hybrid combinations of global and local operators for solving Helmholtz and Poisson equation,”
I.T. Lu, H. K. Jung, and C. M. Tsai
J. Computational Physics, 103 (2), 390-401, Dec. 1992.
“Forward modeling and data inversion for beam propagation in a stratified medium: I) Theory,”
I.T. Lu
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91, 3, 1228-1238 (1992).
“Forward modeling and data inversion for beam propagation in a stratified medium: II) Numerical results,”
I.T. Lu and H. Y. Chen
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 91, 3, 1239-1249 (1992).
“Three-dimensional source field modeling by self consistent Gaussian beam superposition”
J.M. Klosner, L.B. Felsen, I.T. Lu and Z. Grossfeld
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 91, 4, 1809-1822 (1992).
“Matched mode processing schemes of a moving point source,”
H. Y. Chen and I.T. Lu
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 92(4), 2039-2050 (1992).
“Coupling of plate modes at joints,”
I.T. Lu, H. B. Bertoni and H. Y. Chen
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 92(1), 510-526, 1992.
“A matched-mode processing technique for localizing a transient source in the time domain,”
I.T. Lu, Han-Yang Chen and Peter Voltz
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 93(3), 1365-1373, March 1993.
“A back-propagating ray technique for source localization,”
Peter Voltz and I.T. Lu
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 95(2), 805-812, Feb. 1994.
“Localization of a Broadband Source Using a Matched Mode Procedure in Time-Frequency Domain,”
H.Y. Chen and I.T. Lu
The IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering, 19(2), 166-174, April 1994.
“Chiral optical fibers and some potential applications,”
Robert C. Qiu and I.T. Lu J. Opt. Soc. Am., Vol 11, No. 12, 3212-3219 (1994).
“Numerical modeling of high Tc Superconductor microwave resonator,”
Robert C. Qiu and I.T. Lu
IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol. 43, No. 5, 1995.
“Diffracted effects due to finiteness of guided structure modes,”
I.T. Lu, H. Bertoni and Y. Q. Yao
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 98(5), 2841-2844,1995.
“A ray-mode (wavefront-resonance) approach for analyzing acoustic radiation and scattering by submerged structures,”
I.T. Lu
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 99(1), 114-132, 1996.
“Ray shooting, eigenray search, and complex resonances of submerged structures of revolution,”
I.T. Lu and Y. Q. Yao
J. Acoust. Soc. Am, 101(1), 66-76, 1997.
“Simultaneous characterization of source and environment using a ray travel-time inversion approach,”
I.T. Lu
J. Computational Acoustics, Vol. 5, No. 2, 193-218 (1997).
“Dispersionless Chiral Optical Fibers,”
C. M. Qiu and I. T. Lu IEE Proc.-Optoelectron, Vol. 145, No. 3, pp. 155-158, June 1998.
“Theoretical Model For The UHF Propagation In City Streets In Presence Of Gaps And Random Scatterers,”
Reuven Mazar, Alexander Bronshtein and I Tai Lu
IEEE Antennas & Propagation, AP46, Vol. 6, June 1998, pp.864-871.
“A novel high-resolution algorithm for complex-direction serach,”
I. T. Lu, C. M. Qiu, and Jaeyoung Kwak
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 104, No. 1, pp. 288-299, July, 1998.
“Multipath resolving with frequency dependence for broadband wireless channel modeling,”
C. M. Qiu and I. T. Lu IEEE Trans. Veh. Techno., Vol. 48, No. 1, 273-285, 1999.
“A novel spread spectrum based synchronization and location determination method for wireless system,”
Mario Joa-Ng and I.T. Lu
IEEE Communications Letter, Vol. 3, No. 6, June 1999, 177-179.
“A peer-to-peer two-level link state routing for mobile ad-hoc wireless network,”
Mario Joa-Ng and I.T. Lu
The special issue on Wireless Ad Hoc Networks of IEEE JSAC, Vol. 17, No. 8, Aug. 1999.
“Robustness of a ray travel-time inversion approach,”
I.T. Lu
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 106(5), 2442-2453, Nov. 1999.
“A High resolution spectral estimation approach for evaluating the resonances of scattering returns from submerged targets,”
I-Tai Lu and Fu-Po Wu
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 106(5), 2601-2607, Nov. 1999.
“Range estimation and depth discrimination of multiple sources in noisy shallow waters without knowing sound speed profiles,”
I-Tai Lu and H. S. Wu
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 107 (3) March 2000, 1766-1769.
“Analysis of foliage effects on mobile propagation in dense urban environments”
Reuven Mazar, Alexander Bronshtein1 and I-Tai Lu
Radio Sci. 35(4),941 954, (2000).
“Analysis of wave fluctuation phenomena in random media in presence of a reflecting boundary,”
Reuven Mazar, Alexander Bronshtein1 and I-Tai Lu Waves in Random Media, volume 14, issue 1, pages 13 – 22 (2003).
“Reference wave solution for the two-frequency propagator in a statistically homogeneous random medium”
Alexander Bronshtein, I-Tai Lu, and Reuven Mazar
Physics Review E, 69, (2004).
“Robust MMSE Transceiver Designs for Downlink MIMO Systems with Multicell Cooperation”
Jialing Li, I-Tai Lu and Enoch Lu
to appear in International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (IJDMB), Special Issue on Multicell Cooperation and MIMO Technologies for Broadcasting and Broadband Communications, March 2010.
“Interference Alignment: A Building Block of Coordinated Beamforming Transceiver Designs”
E. Lu, I-T. Lu, and J. Li
Journal of Communications, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 409-419, August 2011.
“Adaptive Codebook Based CSI Prediction and Interpolation for Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Systems”
J. Chang, I-T. Lu and Y. Li
IET Communications, Special Issue on: Evolution of Air-Link Technologies for Futuristic Wireless Communications, 2011.
“Joint MMSE Designs for Analog Network Coding and Different MIMO Relaying Schemes: A Unified Approach and Performance Benchmarks”
J. Li, E. Lu, and I-T. Lu
Physical Communication, doi: 10.1016/j.phycom.2012.02.003, in press.
“Joint MMSE Transceiver Designs and Performance Benchmark for CoMP Transmission and Reception”
J. Li, E. Lu, and I-T. Lu
ISRN Communications and Networking, Volume 2012, Article ID 682090, 21 pages, April 2012. doi: 10.5402/2012/682090.
“Minimum Symbol Error Probability MIMO Design under the Per-Antenna Power Constraint”
E. Lu and I-T. Lu
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, in press.
“Decentralized Practical Design and Centralized Benchmark for Analog Network Coding”
E. Lu, Z. You and I-T. Lu
Eurasip Journal on Advanced Signal Processing 2013, 2013:71 doi: 10.1186/1687-6180-2013-71
“Practical Decentralized High-Performance Coordinated Beamforming”
E. Lu and I-T Lu
submitted to Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications Network
“Novel Out-of-Band Emission Suppression Techniques based on A Generalized OFDM Framework”
Z. You, J. Fang and I-T. Lu
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 2013, submitted
“Resource Block Based Hybrid Precoding and Filtering Schemes for Suppressing Out-of-band Emission”
J. Fang, J. Li, R. Yang and I-T. Lu
“Hybrid ray mode and wavefront resonance techniques for acoustic emission and scattering in multiwave layered media”
L.B. Felsen, I.T. Lu and H. Shirai
Proceedings of the QNDE Workshop at Northwestern U., 1985.
“Intrinsic modes in a wedge shaped ocean with stratified bottom”
I.T. Lu and L.B. Felsen
Proceedings of the Conference on Ocean Seismo Acoustics, 1986.
“Canonical propagation for a wedge shaped ocean: I. layered fluid solid bottom; II. bottom with linear surface impedance variation”
I.T. Lu and L.B. Felsen
Proceedings of the I.C.A. Congress Symposium on Underwater Acoustics, July 1986, Halifix, Canada.
“Range dependent canonical solutions for shallow ocean acoustics”
I.T. Lu and L.B. Felsen
Proceedings of the first IMACS Symposium on Computational Acoustics at Yale University, Aug. 1986.
“Beam to mode conversion of a high frequency Gaussian P Wave input in an elastic plate embedded in a Vacuum”
I.T. Lu, L.B. Felsen and J.M. Klosner
Review of Progress on Quantitative Non destructive Evaluation,1987.
“Beam and mode analysis of weak bonding flaws in a layered Aluminum plate”
I.T. Lu, L.B. Felsen, J.M. Klosner and C. Gabay
Proceedings of the IUTAM IUPAP Symposium on Elastic Wave Propagation held in Galway, Ireland, March, 1988.
“Beam to mode conversion of a high frequency Gaussian P Wave input in an aluminum plate in vacuum”
I.T. Lu, L.B. Felsen and J.M. Klosner
ASME Symposium on New Directions in the Ultrasonic NDE of Advanced Materials, (November 1988).
“Source field modeling by self consistent Gaussian beam superposition”
L.B. Felsen, J.M. Klosner, I.T. Lu and Z. Grossfeld
Proceedings of the Review of Progress In QNDE, La Jolla, Calif., July 31- August 5, 1988.
“Spectral options to improve the paraxial narrow Gaussian beam algorithm for critical reflection and head waves,”
X.J. Gao, I.T. Lu and L.B. Felsen
Proceedings of the IMACS Symposium, Princeton Univ. March 1989.
“Acoustic wave scattering by multiple scatterers in a waveguide,”
I.T. Lu and H. K. Jung
Proceedings of the IMACS symposium, Princeton Univ. March 1989.
“Acoustic source localization in a wedge shaped shallow water waveguide,”
E. C. Shang, Y. Y. Wang, H. Y. Chen and I.T. Lu
Proceedings of the IMACS symposium, Princeton Univ.,March 1989.
“Ray formulation of waves guided by cylindrically stratified dielectrics”
L. B. Felsen, I.T. Lu and K. Naishadham
Proceedings of the URSI EM Theory Symposium 1989, CONGREX AB, Sweden.
“Hybrid methods for wave propagation and scattering,”
I.T. Lu
Report for the NSF Workshop on Future Direction in Electromagnetics Research, pp45 48, 1989.
“Combinations of local scattering operators and global propagators,”
I.T. Lu and B. L. Ma
Proceeding of International Conference on Directions in Electromagnetic Wave Modeling, New York, Oct. 1990.
“Source Localization Based Upon Efficient Extraction and Interpretation of Physical Observables,”
I.T. Lu and Peter Voltz
The annual review of the Ocean Acoustics Program, ONR, Arlington, VA, Sep. 1991.
“Acoustic radiation and scattering by submerged vessels with internal structures,”
I.T. Lu
The annual review of the Structural Acoustics Programs directed by ONR, Alexaandria, VA, Jan. 1992.
“A novel high resolution algorithms for ray path resolving and wireless channel modeling,”
C. M. Qiu and I. T. Lu
1995 IEEE LEOS Princeton Section Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, NJ, April 1995.
“Dispersion properties of chiral optical fibers,”
C. M. Qiu and I. T. Lu
1995 IEEE LEOS Princeton Section Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, NJ, April 1995.
“High resolution algorithms for multipath resolving and indoor channel modeling,”
C. M. Qiu and I. T. Lu
The Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 95), Toronto, Sept. 1995.
“A novel high-resolution algorithm for multipath channel modeling and its applications in the CDMA cellular system,”
C. M. Qiu and I. T. Lu
1995 Wireless Communication Systems Symposium (Wireless Trends in the 21st Century), IEEE Long Island Section, Nov. 1995.
“A novel high-resolution algorithm for complex-direction search,”
C. M. Qiu and I. T. Lu
1996 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP.96), Atlanta, GA.
“Broadband wireless multipath channel modeling with path frequency dependence,”
C. M. Qiu and I. T. Lu
ICC’96, Dallas, TX.
“A theoretical model of multipath fading in wideband CDMA Environments,”
C. M. Qiu and I. T. Lu
1996 Virginia Tech Symposium on Wireless Personal Communications.
“A novel high-resolution algorithm for multipath channel modeling and its applications in the CDMA cellular system,”
C. M. Qiu and I. T. Lu
Electro’96, NJ, 1996 (Invited Paper).
“A theoretical model of time-dispersion multipath channels for wideband CDMA systems,”
C. M. Qiu and I. T. Lu
IEEE International Conference on Universal Personal Communications, Cambridge, MA, 1996.
“A High Resolution Spectral Estimation Approach for Evaluating the Traveltimes and Resonances of Scattering Returns from Submerged Targets,”
I Tai Lu and Fu Po Wu
Third International Conference on Theoretical & Computational Acoustics, Columbia Univ., New York, July 14-18, 1997.
“Range Estimation of Multiple Sources in Shallow Waters Without Knowing the Sound Speed Profile,”
I Tai Lu and Hsuan Ling Wu
Third International Conference on Theoretical & Computational Acoustics, Columbia Univ., New York, July 14-18, 1997.
“Alternative Representations of Acoustics Field Scattered by Submerged Targets in Ocean Waveguides,”
I Tai Lu and T. C. Yang
Third International Conference on Theoretical & Computational Acoustics, Columbia Univ., New York, July 14-18, 1997.
“UHF Propagation on Suburban Highways and its Analysis using the First Fresnel Break Point,”
Sung Jin Hong, Kyung Jae Kim, Jeong Rhul Lee, and I Tai Lu
The 6th Annual International Conference on Universal Personal Communications, San Diego, California, October 12 16, 1997.
“Adaptive Blind 2D Rake Receiver for Multiuser Detection,”
J. Kwak and I-Tai Lu
48th Annual Vehicular Technology Conference, May 1998, Ottawa, Canada.
“A Novel “Channel Diversity” Approach,”
I-Tai Lu and J. Choi
48th Annual Vehicular Technology Conference, May 1998, Ottawa, Canada.
“Moisture effects on the penetration Loss through exterior building walls,”
S. J. Hong, K. J. Kim, J. R. Lee, B. S. Park and I-Tai Lu
48th Annual Vehicular Technology Conference, May 1998, Ottawa, Canada.
“A blind space-time adaptive multiuser detector for DS-CDMA communications systems,”
J. Kwak and I-Tai Lu
ICC’98, Atlanta.
“A practical implementation of multiple antenna systems,”
I-Tai Lu and J. Choi
ICC,98, Atlanta.
“Hierarchical Link State Routing for Mobile Adhoc Wireless Network,”
Mario Joa-Ng and I-Tai Lu
IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communications 98, May 22-23, 1998, Montreal Canada.
“Spread Spectrum Medium Access Protocol with Collision Avoidance in Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless Network,”
Mario Joa-Ng and I-Tai Lu
INFOCOM’99, New York.
“Space-Time Processing for Broadband Multi-channel Communication Systems Using Smart Antennas at Both Transmitter and Receiver,”
J. Choi and I-Tai Lu
ICC’99, Vancouver B.C., Canada.
“Broadband Smart Antenna Technique for Both Transmitter and Receiver with Multiple Access Interference Cancellation,”
J. Choi and I-Tai Lu
IEEE VTC’99, Houston, Tx.
“Multiple Access Smart Antenna Processing Techniques for Both Time and Frequency Duplex Communication Systems,”
I-Tai Lu and J. Choi
IEEE VTC’99, Houston, Tx.
“Sensitivity Study of Smart Antenna Systems with both Transmission and Reception Diversities”
I Tai Lu and Joon-Sang Choi
Milicom99, Atlantic City, NJ.
“Blind Adaptive Space-Time Receiving and Transmitting Diversites for Multiuser CDMA systems”
J. Kwak and I-Tai Lu
Milicom99, Atlantic City, NJ.
“Adaptive Blind MIMO Channel Estimation and Multiuser Detection in DS-CDMA Systems”
J. Kwak and I-Tai Lu
GLOBECOM’99, Rio Brazil.
” A new zone-based hierarchical link state routing for mobile ad-hoc wireless network,”
Mario Joa-Ng and I.T. Lu
IEEE VTC2000, May 2000, Tokyo, Japan.
“High Resolution Broadband Beamforming Based on the MVDR Method,”
Byung Chul Kim and I Tai Lu
Oceans 2000 MTS/IEEE, September 11 14, Providence, Rhode Island.
“Underwater Acoustic Channel Simulator for Broadband Communication Systems,”
Byung Chul Kim and I Tai Lu
Oceans 2000 MTS/IEEE, September 11 14, Providence, Rhode Island.
“Parameter Studies of OFDM Underwater Communications Systems,”
Byung Chul Kim and I Tai Lu
Oceans 2000 MTS/IEEE, September 11 14, Providence, Rhode Island.
“Effect of Various Threshold Settings on Soft Handoff Performance in Various Propagation Environments,”
Sung Jin Hong and I Tai Lu
IEEE VTC 2000 Fall, Boston MA, September 24 28, 2000.
“Performance of Soft Handoff Algorithms in Various Propagation Environments,”
Sung Jin Hong and I Tai Lu
IEEE ISSSTA 2000 (6th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications), Parsippany NJ, September 6 8, 2000.
“Effect of Various Threshold Settings on Soft Handoff Algorithm Performance,”
Sung Jin Hong and I Tai Lu
IEEE RAWCON 2000 (Radio and Wireless Conference), Denver CO, September 11 13, 2000.
Wearn Juhn Wang, I Tai Lu and Shang Chieh Liu
IEEE VTC2001 Spring, May 6 9, 2001, Rhodes, Greece.
“Soft Handoff Analysis of CDMA Systems Using Novel Switched Beam Smart Antennas with Polarization Diversity,”
Wearn Juhn Wang, I Tai Lu and Shang Chieh Liu
IEEE VTC2001 Spring, May 6 9, 2001, Rhodes, Greece.
“Soft Handoff Algorithm Parameter Optimization in Various Propagation Environments,”
Sung Jin Hong and I Tai Lu
IEEE VTC2001 Spring, May 6 9, 2001, Rhodes, Greece.
“IS-95A and IS-95B Soft Handoff Protocols in a Novel Switched-Beam Smart Antenna Cellular System”,
Wearn Juhn Wang and I Tai Lu
VTC2002 Fall in Vancover.
“Time-Frequency Processing for OFDM Wireless Mobile Communications”
Byung Chul Kim and I Tai Lu
VTC2003 Spring, Korea.
“A Frequency Domain Doppler Diversity for OFDM Wireless Mobile Communications”
Byung Chul Kim and I Tai Lu
VTC2003 Spring, Korea.
“Space-Time-Frequency Processing for OFDM Wireless Mobile Communications”
Byung Chul Kim and I Tai Lu
VTC2003 Spring, Korea.
“Simultaneous Multichannel Tracking and Model Adjustment using Two Kalman Filters for Space-Time Transmit Diversity”
Hsin-Chang Wu and I-Tai Lu
Submitted to IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference, New Oreland, 2005.
“A Simple and Robust Linear Solver for Hyperbolic Localization”
HaoYun Wu and I-Tai Lu
Submitted to IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference, New Oreland, 2005.
“Coded Cooperation in OFDMA Systems”
Niu Jun and I-Tai Lu
Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, NJ, 2006.
“Frequency Domain Re-sampler for Clock Sampling Offset in MIMO ODFM Systems”
Peter J. Voltz, Michelle Teng, I-Tai Lu, Yongwen Yang, Robert L. Olesen
IEEE Vehivular Technology Conference 2006 Fall, Montreal.
“Transmit and Receive Beamforming Techniques for an OFDM MIMO System”
I-Tai Lu, Hui-Yuan Teng, Changsoo Koo, Yongwen Yang and Robert L. Olesen
CEWIT, Stony Brook, NY, Jan. 2007
“Coded Cooperation with Time/Frequency and Multiuser Diversity over OFDMA Systems”
Jun Niu and I-Tai Lu
CEWIT, Stony Brook, NY, Jan. 2007
“Effects of Improved Channel Estimation on Packet Error Rate Performance of MIMO OFDM System”
I-Tai Lu and Kun-Ju Tsai, Changsoo Koo and Robert L. Olesen
CEWIT, Stony Brook, NY, Jan. 2007
“Coded Cooperation on Block-Fading Channel in OFDMA systems”
Jun Niu and I-Tai Lu
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2007- Networking, Hong Kong, March 2007
“A New Lattice-Reduction-Aided Algorithm for MIMO System”
Jun Niu and I-Tai Lu
CISS, Baltimore, MD, March 2007
“Channel Estimation in a Proposed IEEE802.11n OFDM MIMO WLAN System”
I-Tai Lu and Kun-Ju Tsai
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, NJ, April 2007
“Carrier Frequency Offset Mitigation in a Proposed MIMO OFDM System”
I-Tai Lu, Hsin-Chang Wu, Yongwen E. Yang, and Robert Olesen
Third Annual IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference, LISAT2007, May 2007.
“Coded Cooperation on Block-Fading Channel in Single-Carrier FDMA systems”
Jun Niu and I-Tai Lu
GlobeCom, Washington DC, Nov. 2007
“A Comparison of Two Lattice-Reduction-Based Receivers for MIMO Systems”
Jun Niu and I-Tai Lu
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, NJ, April 2008
“A novel NLMS-ZF data detection approach for WCDMA based HSDPA systems”
I-Tai Lu, Rajalakshmi Ramakrishnan, Rui Yang and Philip Pietraski
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, NJ, April 2008
“Analysis of a Virtual Carrier Based Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation Algorithm in the Presence of I/Q Imbalance in OFDM Systems”
Jiang Chang and I-Tai Lu
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, NJ, April 2008
“Channel Estimation and Data Detection for WCDMA-HSDPA MIMO Systems”
Enoch Lu and I-Tai Lu
CIE-GNYC 2008, Newark, NJ
“Channel Estimation for WCDMA-HSDPA Systems”
I-Tai Lu and Enoch Lu
CEWIT 2008, Stony Brook, NY
“MIMO NLMS-ZF Data Detection Approach for WCDMA Based HSDPA Systems”
I-Tai Lu and Enoch Lu
IEEE Sarnoff 2009, Princeton, NJ
“An I/Q Imbalance Estimation and Compensation Strategy for 3GPP LTE Systems”
Jiang Chang and I-Tai Lu
IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium. Jan. 2009.
“Data Detection for MIMO WCDMA-HSDPA Systems”
Enoch Lu and I-Tai Lu
IEEE LISAT 2009, Farmingdale, NY
“Aperture Modeling & Simulation for Enhanced Performance”
Ronald Pirich, I-Tai Lu, Praveen Anumolu and Kristie D’Ambrosio
IEEE LISAT 2009, Farmingdale, NY
“Novel Codeword selection strategy for MIMO precoding with limited channel state information feedback”
Kun-Ju Tsai and I-Tai Lu
Proc. IEEE Radio & Wireless Symposium, San Diego, CA, January 18 – 22, 2009.
“Channel estimation for the uplink 2×2 MIMO SC-FDMA systems”
Kun-Ju Tsai and I-Tai Lu
Single Carrier FDMA Workshop, Polytechnic Institute of NYU, Brooklyn, NY, March 13, 2009.
“Joint Precoder and Decoder Design for Downlink Multiuser MIMO Systems with Arbitrary Transmit Power Constraints”
I-Tai Lu
Proc. IEEE Sarnoff, Princeton, NJ, 2009.
“Joint MMSE Precoder and Decoder Subject to Arbitrary Power Constraints for Uplink Multiuser MIMO Systems”
I-Tai Lu
IEEE VTC, Alaska, Fall 2009
“Novel MMSE Precoder and Decoder Designs Subject to Per-antenna Power Constraint for Uplink Multiuser MIMO Systems”
I-Tai Lu, Jialing Li and Enoch Lu
ICSPCS-09, Nebraska, 2009.
“SFBC Assisted IQ Imbalance Estimation and Compensation in MIMO-OFDM Systems”
Jiang Chang, I-Tai Lu, Shahrokh Nayeb Nazar and Afshin Haghighat.
ICSPCS-09, Nebraska, 2009
“Optimum Mmse Precoder And Decoder Designs For Downlink Multicell Multiuser Mimo Systems”
Jialing Li, I-Tai Lu and Enoch Lu
Milcom 2009, Boston, MA
“A Novel Joint TX/RX I/Q Imbalance Estimation and Compensation Scheme for OFDM Systems”
I-Tai Lu and Jiang Chang
IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, 2010, New Orleans, LA
“Unified Framework and MMSE Transceiver Designs for Multiple-Transmitter-Multiple-Receiver MIMO Systems”
Jialing Li, Enoch Lu and I-Tai Lu
33rd IEEE Sarnoff Symposium (Sarnoff)’10, Princeton, NJ, April 2010.
“Comparison of Coordinated Beamforming and Non-Coordinated Multipoint using MMSE Transceiver Designs”
Enoch Lu, Jialing Li and I-Tai Lu
33rd IEEE Sarnoff Symposium (Sarnoff)’10, Princeton, NJ, April 2010.
“Joint Design of Modulation Coding Scheme for MIMO Quasi-Static Fading Systems”
Jialing Li and I-Tai Lu
33rd IEEE Sarnoff Symposium (Sarnoff)’10, Princeton, NJ, April 2010.
“Novel MMSE Precoder and Decoder Designs for Single-user MIMO Systems under General Power Constraints”
Jialing Li, I-Tai Lu and Enoch Lu
IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-2010 Spring), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2010.
“Novel Adaptive Codebook-Based Limited Feedback Techniques for Multi-user MIMO-OFDM Systems”
I-Tai Lu and Jiang Chang
IEEE VTC2010-Spring, Taipei, May. 2010.
“Performance benchmark for Network MIMO systems: MMSE transceiver designs and performance analysis”
J. Li, I-T. Lu, and E. Lu.
in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), 2010.
“Novel MMSE design for joint MIMO processing in analog network coding schemes”
E. Lu, J. Li, and I-T. Lu.
in Proc. 4th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS), 2010.
“Robust MMSE transceiver designs for uplink MIMO systems subject to arbitrary linear equality power constraints”
E. Lu, J. Li, and I-T. Lu
in Proc. 4th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS), 2010.
“Best Likely Performance of Coordinated Beamforming in Multi-cell MU-MIMO Systems”
Jialing Li, Yingxue Li, and I-T. Lu
in Proceedings of 34th IEEE Sarnoff Symposium (Sarnoff)’11, Princeton, NJ, May 2011.
“Rank-Constrained Maximum CapacityMIMO Designs under Practical Per-antenna Power Constraint”
I-Tai Lu and Jialing Li
in Proceedings of 34th IEEE Sarnoff Symposium (Sarnoff)’11, Princeton, NJ, May 2011
“A Novel Start-of-Packet Detection and Synchronization Scheme”
I-Tai Lu and Kun-Ju Tsai
in Proceedings of 34th IEEE Sarnoff Symposium (Sarnoff)’11, Princeton, NJ, May 2011
“Improved Soft De-mapping Scaling for a Constrained MMSE Receiver in OFDM MIMO Systems”
I-Tai Lu and Hui-Yuan Teng
in Proceedings of 34th IEEE Sarnoff Symposium (Sarnoff)’11, Princeton, NJ, May 2011
“Optimizing Beyond the Carrier by Carrier Proportional Fair Scheduler”
A. X. Han, I-Tai Lu
in IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, 2011, pp.1-5.
“Practical decentralized high-performance coordinated beamforming”
E. Lu and I-Tai Lu
in Proc. IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, 2011.
“Practical Implementation of Time Covariance Based Spectrum Sensing Methods Using WARP”
Kuo-Hao Lee, Abhijeet Mate and I-Tai Lu
“Spectrum Sensing Based on Time Covariance Matrix Using GNU Radio and USRP for Cognitive Radio”
Abhijeet Mate, Kuo-Hao Lee, and I-Tai Lu
Ashwin Alur Sreesha, Shashank Somal and I-Tai Lu
“Comparing the direct transmission, two-hop relaying and cooperative relaying schemes”
J. Li, E. Lu, and I-Tai Lu
in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2011.
“Propagation Mechanisms, Channel Models and Novel Beamforming Spectrum Sensing”
J.S. Lu, and I-Tai Lu
“Adaptive codebook based CSI prediction and interpolation for multiuser MIMO-OFDM Systems”
Jiang Chang, I-Tai Lu and Yingxue Li
IEEE ICC, Jun. 2011.
“Equalization of Packet Delays in OFDMA Scheduling of Real-Time Video Calls”
A. X. Han, I-Tai Lu
in IEEE Military Communications Conference, 2011
“Max capacity design for two-way MIMO relay systems”
E. Lu, Z. You, and I-Tai Lu
accepted, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), 2011.
“Efficient adaptive double codebook based CSI prediction for SU/MU MIMO-OFDM Systems”
Jiang Chang, I-Tai Lu and Yingxue Li
IEEE Globecom, Dec. 2011.
“Interference alignment-like behaviors of MMSE designs for general multiuser MIMO systems”
E. Lu, T. Ma, and I-Tai Lu
accepted, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), 2011.
“Novel MIMO channel estimation at transmitter for LTE release 10 systems”
E. Lu, Y. Li, and I-Tai Lu
Accepted, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2012.
“Efficient MMSE design for joint MIMO processing in analog network coding schemes”
E. Lu, Y. Xu, and I-Tai Lu
Accepted, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2012.
“Numerically Efficient Direct-Optimization Filter Design”
E. Lu, Y. Xu, and I-Tai Lu
Accepted, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2012.
“Flexible Companding Design for PAPR Reduction in OFDM and FBMC Systems”
Z. You, I-T Lu, R. Yang and J. Li
in Proc. International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2013
“Comparisons of Filter Bank Multicarrier Systems”
J. Fang, Z. You, J. Li, R. Yang, and I-T. Lu
LISAT, 2013.
“Efficient multiuser spectral precoding for reducing out-of-band emission for OFDM-based cognitive radios”
J. Fang and I-T. Lu
LISAT, 2013.
“Inter-Symbol-Interference Free and Inter- Carrier-Interference Free Filter Design”
Y. Xie, J. Fang and I-T. Lu
LISAT, 2013.
“Combination of Spectral and SVD Precodings for Out-of-Band Leakage Suppression”
Z. You, J. Fang and I-T. Lu
LISAT, 2013.
“Hybrid Combination of N-Continuous and Null-Space Precoding for Out-of-Band Emission Suppression”
Z. You, J. Fang and I-T. Lu
MILCOM 2013, submitted.
“Resource Block Based Precoding Schemes for Suppressing Out-of-band Emission”
J. Fang, Z. You, J. Li, I-T. Lu, and R. Yang
MILCOM 2013, submitted.
“Precoding Schemes for Jointly Suppressing PAPR and Out-of-band Emission”
J. Fang and I-T Lu
in preparation.
“Novel N-Continuous and Null-Space Precoding for Out-of-Band Emission Suppression”
Z. You and I-T Lu
in preparation. -
Previous Students
Olesen, R.
Tsai, C. M.
Yao, Y. Q.
Khosravi, M.
Wu, H. S.
Wu, C. C.
Current Students
Wu, H. Y.
Wu, H. C.
Tsai, K. J.
Tsai, Y.M.
Knox, Mike
Cheung, GaryPrevious Students
Gabay, C.
Grossfeld, Z.
Ho, J.M.
Mao, X. P.
Zeroug, S.
Chen, H. Y.
Qiu, C. M.
Kwak, J.
Choi, J.
Joa-Ng, M.
Hong, S. J.
Wang, W. J.
Kim, B. C.
Pongsilamanee, P.Post Doctorate Students and Visiting Scholars
Previous Students
Post Doctorate Students
Ma, Bailin
Jung, H. K.Visiting Scholars
Zhang, Z.
Ruan, Y.
Gao, X.
Wang, Y.