Riccardo Lattanzi
Assistant Professor
Department of Radiology
Phone: | 212.263.4860 |
Email: | Riccardo.Lattanzi@nyumc.org |
Office: | 660 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016 |

Riccardo Lattanzi is an Associate Professor of Radiology, Electrical and Computer Engineering at the New York University. His research work lies at the boundary between physics, engineering and medicine. He investigates fundamental principles involving the interactions of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields with biological tissue in order to develop new techniques and technologies that are aimed at improving the diagnostic power of MRI. He won the ISMRM I.I. Rabi Young Investigator Award, received an NSF CAREER award, a Fulbright scholarship, was selected as an Aspen Junior Fellow of the Aspen Institute Italia, a Young Leader of the Council for the United States and Italy and was elected to the Sigma-Xi research honor society. Dr. Lattanzi received his laurea degree in electronic engineering from University of Bologna, his Master of Science in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT, and his Ph.D. in medical engineering and medical physics from the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology.
research interests
My research work has focused primarily on developing new techniques and technologies for high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and, more recently, on developing new methods for early diagnosis of cartilage degeneration in the hip joint. I am an expert in parallel MRI techniques, which employs many-element arrays of RF detectors to accelerate MR image acquisition and multiple radio-frequency (RF) transmit coils both to accelerate MR signal excitation and to compensate for signal inhomogeneities at high field MRI. I have developed the dyadic Green’s function (DGF) methodology for fast electrodynamic simulation of RF coil performance, I have introduced the concept of ultimate intrinsic specific absorption rate (SAR), the theoretical smallest radio-frequency (RF) power deposition for a given magnetic resonance (MR) excitation, and I have shown for the first time ideal current patterns corresponding to optimal performance, which can be used as a guide for optimizing the design of many-element RF coil arrays. I have also developed a method to assess the quality of receive coils against ultimate intrinsic signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the theoretical largest SNR for a given imaging task. Since 2010, my work has expanded into a highly translational research area, which is the application of MR-based biochemical imaging techniques for the evaluation of the hip joint in patients with femora acetabular impingement (FAI), a medical condition for which early detection can help delaying or preventing the onset of osteoarthritis. In the future, I plan to combine my two main research interests and develop innovative RF coils to improve the diagnostic power of high-field MRI in musculoskeletal applications.
Vaidya MV, Collins CM, Sodickson DK, Brown R, Wiggins GC and Lattanzi R, Dependence of B1+ and B1- field patterns of surface coils on the electrical properties of the sample and the MR operating frequency; Concepts in Magnetic Resonance. Part B, Magnetic Resonance Engineering, vol 46(1), 2016, p. 25-40. (click for abstract)
Deniz CM, Vaidya M, Sodickson DK and Lattanzi R, RF Energy Deposition and RF Power Requirements in Parallel Transmission with Increasing Distance from the Coil to the Sample; Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol 75(1), 2016, p. 423-432. (click for abstract)
Cho GY, Moy L, Zhang JL, Baete S, Lattanzi R, Moccaldi M, Babb JS, Kim S, Sodickson DK and Sigmund EE, Comparison of fitting methods and b-value sampling strategies for intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) in breast cancer; Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol 74(4), 2015, p. 1077-1085. (click for abstract)
Riley G, McWalter EJ, Stevens K, Safran M, Lattanzi R and Gold G, Magnetic resonance imaging of the hip for the evaluation of FAI: past, present, and future; Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol 41(3), 2015, p. 558-572. (click for abstract)
Petchprapa CN, Rybak LD, Dunham KS, Lattanzi R and Recht MP, Labral and cartilage abnormalities in young patients with hip pain: accuracy of 3 Tesla indirect MR arthrography; Skeletal Radiology, vol 44(1), 2015, p. 97-105. (click for abstract)
Vaidya M, Sodickson DK and Lattanzi R, Approaching ultimate intrinsic SNR in a uniform spherical sample with finite arrays of loops coils; Concepts in Magnetic Resonance. Part B, Magnetic Resonance Engineering, vol 44(3), 2014, p. 53-65. (click for abstract)
Lattanzi R, Petchprapa CN, Ascani D, Babb JS, Chu D, Davidovitch DI, Youm T, Meislin RJ and Recht MP, Detection of cartilage damage in femoroacetabular impingement with standardized dGEMRIC at 3T; Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, vol 22(3), 2014, p. 447-456. (click for abstract)
Brown R, Madelin G, Lattanzi R, Chang G, Ravinder RR, Sodickson DK and Wiggins GC, Design of a nested eight-channel sodium and four-channel proton coil for 7 Tesla knee imaging; Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol 70(1), 2013, p. 259-268. (click for abstract)
Petchprapa CN, Dunham KS, Lattanzi R and Recht MP, Demystifying radial imaging of the hip; RadioGraphics, vol 33(3), 2013, p. E97-E112. (click for abstract)
Deniz CM, Brown R, Lattanzi R, Alon L, Sodickson DK and Zhu Y, Maximum efficiency RF shimming: theory and initial application for hip imaging at 7 Tesla; Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol 69(5), 2013, p. 1379-1388. (click for abstract)
Lattanzi R, Petchprapa C, Glaser C, Dunham K, Mikheev AV, Krigel A, Mamisch TC, Kim YJ, Rusinek H and Recht M, A new method to analyze dGEMRIC measurements in femoroacetabular impingement: preliminary validation against arthroscopic findings; Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, vol 20(10), 2012, p. 1127-1133. (click for abstract)
Lattanzi R and Sodickson DK, Ideal current patterns yielding optimal SNR and SAR in magnetic resonance imaging: computational methods and physical insights; Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol 68(1), 2012, p. 286-304. (click for abstract)
Zhang B, Sodickson DK, Lattanzi R, Duan Q, Stoeckel B and Wiggins G, Whole body traveling wave magnetic resonance imaging at high field strength: homogeneity, efficiency and energy deposition as compared with traditional excitation mechanism; Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol 67(4), 2012, p. 1183-1193. (click for abstract)
Chang G, Wiggins GC, Xia D, Lattanzi R, Madelin G, Finnerty M, Fujita H, Recht MP and Regatte R, Comparison of a 28 channel-receive array coil and quadrature volume coil for morphologic imaging and T2 mapping of knee cartilage at 7 Tesla; Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol 35, 2012, p. 441-448. (click for abstract)
Lattanzi R, Glaser C, Mikheev AV, Petchprapa C, Mossa DJ, Gyftopoulos S, Rusinek H, Recht M and Kim D, A B1-insensitive high-resolution 2D T1 mapping pulse sequence for dGEMRIC of the hip at 3 Tesla; Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol 66(2), 2011, p. 348-355. (click for abstract)
Lattanzi R, Grant AK, Polimeni JR, Ohliger MA, Wiggins GC, Wald LL and Sodickson DK, Performance evaluation of a 32-element head array with respect to the ultimate intrinsic SNR; NMR in Biomedicine, vol 23(2), 2010, p. 142-151. (click for abstract)
Lattanzi R, Sodickson DK, Grant AK and Zhu Y, Electrodynamic constraints on homogeneity and radiofrequency power deposition in multiple coil excitations; Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 61(2), 2009, p. 315-334. (click for abstract)
Robson P, Grant AK, Madhuranthakam AJ, Lattanzi R, Sodickson DK and McKenzie CA, Comprehensive quantification of signal-to-noise ratio and g-factor for image-based and k-space-based parallel imaging reconstructions; Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 60(4), 2008, p. 895-907. (click for abstract)
Testi D, Lattanzi R, Benvegnu M, Petrone M, Zannoni C, Viceconti M and Toni A, Efficacy of stereoscopic visualisation and six degrees of freedom interaction in preoperative planning of total hip replacement; Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine, vol. 31(3), 2006, p. 205-218. (click for abstract)
Lattanzi R, Baruffaldi F, Viceconti M and Zannoni C, Specialised CT scan protocols for 3D preoperative planning of total hip replacement; Medical Engineering & Physics, vol. 26(3), 2004, p. 237-245. (click for abstract)
Lattanzi R, Grazi E, Testi D, Viceconti M, Cappello A and Toni A, Accuracy and repeatability of cementless total hip replacement surgery in patients with deformed anatomies; Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine, vol. 28(1), 2003, p. 59-71. (click for abstract)
Viceconti M, Lattanzi R, Antonietti B, Paderni S, Olmi R, Sudanese A and Toni A, CT-based surgical planning software improves the accuracy of THR preoperative planning; Medical Engineering & Physics, vol. 25(5), 2003, p. 371-377. (click for abstract)
Lattanzi R, Viceconti M, Zannoni C, Quadrani P and Toni A, Hip-Op: an innovative software to plan total hip replacement surgery; Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine, vol. 27(2), 2002, p. 71-83. (click for abstract)
Viceconti M, Lattanzi R, Zannoni C and Cappello A, Effect of the display modality on the spatial accuracy of orthopaedic surgery preoperative planning applications; Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine, vol. 27(1), 2002, p. 21-32. (click for abstract)
Book Chapters
Sodickson DK, Ohliger MA, Lattanzi R and Wiggins GC, Coil array design for parallel imaging: theory and applications; RF Coils for MRI (Chapter 10), 2012, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 978-0-470-77076-4.
Sodickson DK, Ohliger MA, Lattanzi R and Wiggins GC, Coil array design for parallel imaging: theory and applications; in Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance, eds-in-chief R. K. Harris and R. E. Wasylishen, John Wiley: Chichester. DOI: 10.1002/9780470034590.emrstm1130. Published online 15th December 2011.
Conferences and Workshops
Vaidya M, Collins C, Sodickson DK, Carluccio G and Lattanzi R, Disentangling signal propagation and noise-related effects in the presence of high permittivity materials via ideal current patterns; 24th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Singapore, 7-13 May 2016, p. 391. (talk, summa cum laude award)Gang C, Lattanzi R, Sodickson DK and Wiggins GC, Approaching the ultimate intrinsic SNR with dense arrays of electric dipoles; 24th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Singapore, 7-13 May 2016, p. 168. (talk, summa cum laude award)
Vaidya M, Haemer G, Collins C, Chen G, Carluccio G, Bruno M, Wiggins G, Sodickson DK and Lattanzi R, Extending the sensitivity of a head coil toward simultaneous head and neck imaging using high permittivity materials at 7 T; 24th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Singapore, 7-13 May 2016, p. 3544. (electronic poster,finalist for the MR engineering study group poster prize competition)
Serralles J, Polymeridis A, Vaidya M, Haemer G, White J, Sodickson DK, Daniel L and Lattanzi R, Global Maxwell Tomography: a novel technique for electrical properties mapping without symmetry assumptions or edge artifacts; 24th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Singapore, 7-13 May 2016, p. 2993. (electronic poster,finalist for the MR safety study group poster prize competition)
Domberger B, Vester M, Rehner R, Zenge M, Lattanzi R and Wiggins G, An investigation of coupling and loading effects for adaptive coil design; 24th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Singapore, 7-13 May 2016, p. 3521. (electronic poster, finalist for the MR engineering study group poster prize competition)
Sodickson DK, Wiggins G, Chen G, Lakshmanan K and Lattanzi R, More than meets the eye: the mixed character of electric dipole coils, and implications for high-field performance; 24th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Singapore, 7-13 May 2016, p. 389. (talk)
Ben-Eliezer N, Yoshimoto A, Block KT, Davidovitch R, Youm T, Meislin R, Recht M, Sodickson DK and Lattanzi R, A new method for accurate detection of cartilage lesions in femoroacetabular impingement using quantitative T2 mapping: preliminary validation against arthroscopic findings at 3 T; 24th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Singapore, 7-13 May 2016, p. 2272. (electronic poster)
Haemer G, Vaidya M, Sodickson DK, Wiggins G and Lattanzi R, Optimizing high permittivity materials for SAR minimization in transmit arrays: influence of the phase distribution of the excitation profile; 24th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Singapore, 7-13 May 2016, p. 3541. (electronic poster)
Ianniello C, Brown R, Cloos M, Duan Q, Walczyk J, Wiggins G, Sodickson DK and Lattanzi R, Sugar free tissue-mimicking MRI phantoms for improved Signal-To-Noise Ratio; 24th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Singapore, 7-13 May 2016, p. 2239. (poster)
Lattanzi R, Wiggins GC, Vahedipour K and Sodickson DK, Approaching ultimate intrinsic signal-to-noise ratio more closely at ultra-high field with electric dipoles; ISMRM Workshop on Ultra High Field MRI. Heidelberg, Germany, 6-9 March 2016. (talk)
Cloos MA, Alon L, Geppert C, Sodickson DK and Lattanzi R, Rapid T1 and T2 mapping of the hip articular cartilage with radial MR fingerprinting; 23rd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Toronto (Canada), 30 May – 5 June 2015, p. 113. (talk, summa cum laude award)Cloos MA, Zhao T, Knoll F, Alon L, Lattanzi R and Sodickson DK, Magnetic Resonance fingerprinting compression; 23rd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Toronto (Canada), 30 May – 5 June 2015, p. 330. (talk, summa cum laude award)
Cloos MA, Bruno M, Zhao T, Alon L, Lattanzi R and Sodickson DK, Rapid multiparametric mapping near orthopedic implants at 3T using plug & play parallel transmission; 23rd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Toronto (Canada), 30 May – 5 June 2015, p. 4214. (electronic poster)
Haemer GG, Vaidya M, Collins CM, Sodickson DK, Wiggins GC and Lattanzi R, SAR Reduction in RF Shimming through the use of High Permittivity Materials: approach towards the Ultimate Intrinsic SAR; 23rd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Toronto (Canada), 30 May – 5 June 2015, p. 3105. (electronic poster)
Collins CM, Carluccio G, Vaidya M, Haemer GG, Lattanzi R, Wiggins GC, Sodickson DK and Yang Q, Evaluation of Displacement Currents and Conduction Currents in a Close Fitting Head Array with High Permittivity Material; 23rd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Toronto (Canada), 30 May – 5 June 2015, p. 3103. (electronic poster)
Vaidya M, Haemer GG, Carluccio G, Novikov D, Sodickson DK, Collins CM, Wiggons GC and Lattanzi R, Ideal current patterns correspond to larger surface coils with use of high permittivity materials; 23rd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Toronto (Canada), 30 May – 5 June 2015, p. 3109. (electronic poster)
Ben-Eliezer N, Guillemin M, Yoshimoto A, Block KT, Davidovitch R, Youm T, Meislin R, Recht M, Sodickson DK and Lattanzi R, Cartilage assessment in femoroacetabular impingement using Bloch-simulation-based T2 mapping at 3 T: preliminary validation against intra-operative findings; 23rd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Toronto (Canada), 30 May – 5 June 2015, p. 4169. (electronic poster)
Ianniello C, Brown R, Angellotti V, Grivo B, Sodickson DK, Massa R and Lattanzi R, Design and construction of a tissue-mimicking phantom to validate electrical properties mapping techniques based on magnetic resonance; URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (AT-RASC). Gran Canaria (Canary Islands), 18-22 May 2015, p. K03.1. (talk)
Vaidya M, Chen G, Zhang B, Collins CM, Sodickson DK and Lattanzi R, Effect of an Annular Sleeve of High Permittivity Material on Resonant Modes and Homogeneity of a Birdcage Coil; IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). Brooklyn (NY), 16-19 April 2015, p. 1077-1081. (poster)
Chen G, Cloos M, Lattanzi R, Sodickson DK and Wiggins G, Bent Electric Dipoles: A Novel Coil Design Inspired by the Ideal Current Pattern for Central SNR at 7 Tesla; 22nd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Milan (Italy), 11-16 May 2014, p. 402. (talk)Lakshmanan K, Cloos M, Lattanzi R, Sodickson DK, Novikov, DS and Wiggins G, The Circular Dipole; 22nd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Milan (Italy), 11-16 May 2014, p. 315. (power poster)
Lattanzi R, Vaidya M, Carluccio G, Sodickson DK and Collins CM, Effects of High-Permittivity Materials on Absolute RF Coil Performance as a Function of B0 and Object Size; 22nd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Milan (Italy), 11-16 May 2014, p. 4818. (electronic poster)
Vaidya M, Sodickson DK, Collins CM and Lattanzi R, Extending the Sensitivity of a Transmit/receive Radiofrequency Coil with Dielectric Materials at 7 T; 22nd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Milan (Italy), 11-16 May 2014, p. 406. (talk, magna cum laude award)
Collins CM, Carluccio G, Vaidya M, Haemer GG, Wei L, Lattanzi R, Wiggins G, Sodickson DK and Yang QX, High-Permittivity Materials Can Improve Global Performance and Safety of Close-Fitting Arrays; 22nd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Milan (Italy), 11-16 May 2014, p. 404. (talk)
Vaidya M, Collins CM, Brown R, Sodickson DK, and Lattanzi R, Improving Central Transmit Efficiency and Homogeneity Using Interleaved Shielded Dielectric Discs and Coil Elements in a 4-Element Transmit/receive Array at 7 T; 22nd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Milan (Italy), 11-16 May 2014, p. 4813. (electronic poster,finalist for the MR engineering study group poster prize competition)
Sodickson DK, Zhang B, Duan Q, Brown, R, Lattanzi R, Lakshmanan K, Vaidya MV, Yang A, Rehner R, Vester M, Popescu S, Biber S, Stoeckel B, Chang H and Wiggins G, Is a “one Size Fits All” Many-Element Bore-Lining Remote Body Array Feasible for Routine Imaging? 22nd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Milan (Italy), 11-16 May 2014, p. 618. (talk)
Lakshmanan K, Cloos M, Lattanzi R, Sodickson DK and Wiggins G, The Loopole Antenna: Capturing Magnetic and Electric Dipole Fields with a Single Structure to Improve Transmit and Receive Performance; 22nd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Milan (Italy), 11-16 May 2014, p. 397. (talk)
Hsu YC, Chu YH, Lattanzi R, Sodickson DK and Lin FH, Mitigate B1+ Inhomogeneity by the Combination of RF Shimming and B1+ Remapping Using Nonlinear Gradient Coils; 22nd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Milan (Italy), 11-16 May 2014, p. 4335. (electronic poster)
Lattanzi R, Vaidya M, Carluccio G, Sodickson DK and Collins CM, Signal-To-Noise Ratio Gain at 3T Using a Thin Layer of High-Permittivity Material Inside Enclosing Receive Arrays; 22nd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Milan (Italy), 11-16 May 2014, p. 4814. (electronic poster)
Beltran LS, Lattanzi R, Gyftopoulos S, Rosemberg ZS and Bencardino JT, Foveal acetabular impingement: is perifoveal chondral damage a marker of hip dysplasia on delayed Gadolinium Enhanced MRI of Cartilage (dGEMRIC)?; 99th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Chicago (IL), 1-6 December 2013, p. VSMK51-02. (talk)
Lattanzi R, Petchprapa C, Ascani D, Youm T, Meislin RJ, and Recht M, Combination of dGEMRIC and T2 mapping for preoperative detection and staging of acetabular cartilage damage associated with femoroacetabular impingement; Annual Meeting of the International Society for Hip Arthroscopy (ISHA). Munich (Germany), 10-12 October 2013, ePoster # 43. (electronic poster)
Beltran LS, Lattanzi R, Gyftopoulos S, Rosemberg ZS and Bencardino JT, Foveal acetabular impingement: is perifoveal chondral damage characteristic of hip dysplasia on delayed Gadolinium Enhanced MRI of Cartilage (dGEMRIC)?; Annual Meeting of the International Skeletal Society (ISS). Philadelphia (PA), 30 September – 5October 2013. Skeletal Radiology, vol. 42, 2013, p. 1344. (talk)
Hsu YC, Chu YH, Chern IL, Lattanzi R, Huang TY and Lin FH, Mitigate B1+ inhomogeneity by nonlinear gradients and RF shimming; 35th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference. Osaka (Japan), 3-7 July 2013, p. 1085-1088. (electronic poster)
Ascani D, Petchprapa C, Babb J, Recht M and Lattanzi R, Detection and staging of acetabular cartilage damage in femoroacetabular impingement using dGEMRIC and T2 mapping; 21st Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Salt Lake City (UT), 20-26 May 2013, p. 634. (talk)
Lattanzi R, Yang AW, Feng L, Recht M, Sodickson DK and Otazo R, Feasibility of accelerating 3 T hip imaging using compressed sensing; 21st Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Salt Lake City (UT), 20-26 May 2013, p. 3484. (electronic poster)
Vaidya M, Oh S, Collins CM, Sodickson DK and Lattanzi R, Manipulating B1 Spatial Distribution at 7 Tesla with dielectric pads at a distance from a transmit surface coil; 21st Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Salt Lake City (UT), 20-26 May 2013, p. 4379. (electronic poster)
Wiggins GC, Zhang B, Cloos MA, Lattanzi R. Chen G, Lakshmanan K, Haemer G and Sodickson DK, Mixing loops and electric dipole antennas for increased sensitivity at 7 Tesla; 21st Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Salt Lake City (UT), 20-26 May 2013, p. 2737. (poster, winner of the MR engineering study group poster prize competition)
Lattanzi R, Petchprapa C, Ascani D and Recht M, Effective prediction of cartilage damage in femoroacetabular impingement with standardized dGEMRIC on radial imaging planes at 3 Tesla; 98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Chicago (IL), 25-30 November 2012, p. SSC10-06. (talk)Lattanzi R, Petchprapa C, Ascani D, Davidovitch RI, Youm T, Meislin RJ and Recht M, dGEMRIC effectively predicts cartilage damage associated with femoroacetabular impingement; Annual Meeting of the International Society for Hip Arthroscopy (ISHA). Boston (MA), 27-29 September 2012, ePoster # 709 (electronic poster)
Lattanzi R, Petchprapa C, Ascani D, Davidovitch RI, Youm T, Meislin RJ and Recht M, dGEMRIC is more effective than morphologic MRI in predicting cartilage damage associated with femoroacetabular impingement; Annual Meeting of the International Skeletal Society (ISS). Rome (Italy), 8-15 September 2012, breakout scientific poster session. (electronic poster)
Petchprapa C, Rybak, LD, Dunham K, Lattanzi R and Recht M, 3T indirect MR Arthrography in young patients with hip pain: labral and cartilage evaluation with arthroscopic correlation; Annual Meeting of the International Skeletal Society (ISS). Rome (Italy), 8-15 September 2012. Skeletal Radiology, vol. 41, 2012, p. 1184. (talk)
Lattanzi R, Petchprapa C, Ascani D, Davidovitch RI, Youm T, Meislin RJ and Recht M, Cartilage assessment in femoroacetabular impingement using dGEMRIC with radial imaging planes at 3T: preliminary validation against intra-operative findings; 20thScientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Melbourne (Australia), 5-11 May 2012, p. 3308. (electronic poster)
Lattanzi R, Vaidya M, Wiggins GC and Sodickson DK, The underlying cause of the increasing performance gap between loop arrays and the ultimate SNR with increasing field strength; 20th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Melbourne (Australia), 5-11 May 2012, p. 2817. (electronic poster)
Vaidya M, Sodickson DK, Brown R, Wiggins GC and Lattanzi R, B1+ and B1- field pattern dependance on the electrical properties of the sample and static magnetic field strength; 20th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Melbourne (Australia), 5-11 May 2012, p. 2796. (electronic poster, finalist for the MR engineering study group poster prize competition)
Wiggins GC, Zhang B, Lattanzi R, Chen G and Sodickson DK, The electric dipole array: an attempt to match the ideal current pattern for central SNR at 7 Tesla; 20th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Melbourne (Australia), 5-11 May 2012, p. 541. (talk)
Zhang B, Sodickson DK, Lattanzi R and Wiggins GC, Why does the radiative antenna have no B1 twisting at 7T? Framework for and applications of a conceptual “mirror current” model of coil-tissue interactions; 20th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Melbourne (Australia), 5-11 May 2012, p. 2816. (electronic poster)
Deniz CM, Brown R, Lattanzi R, Alon L, Sodickson DK and Zhu Y, Maximum efficiency RF shimming; 20th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Melbourne (Australia), 5-11 May 2012, p. 3479. (electronic poster)
Sodickson DK, Alon L, Deniz CM, Brown R, Zhang B, Wiggins GC, Cho GY, Eliezer, NB, Novikov DS, Lattanzi R, Duan Q, Sodickson L and Zhu Y, Local Maxwell tomography using transumi-receive coil arrays for contact-free mapping of tissue electrical properties and determination of absolute RF phase; 20th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Melbourne (Australia), 5-11 May 2012, p. 387. (talk)
Otazo R, Lattanzi R, and Sodickson DK, Limits of acceleration for combinations of compressed sensing and parallel imaging; 20thScientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Melbourne (Australia), 5-11 May 2012, p. 4201. (electronic poster)
Brown R, Madelin G, Lattanzi R, Chang G, Regatte RR, Sodickson DK and Wiggins GC, Design of a nested sodium and proton array for 7 Tesla knee imaging; 20th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Melbourne (Australia), 5-11 May 2012, p. 2790. (electronic poster)
Lattanzi R, Glaser C, Mikheev AV, Petchprapa C, Mossa DJ, Gyftopoulos S, Rusinek H, Recht M and Kim D, A B1-insensitive high-resolution 2D T1 mapping pulse sequence for radial dGEMRIC of the hip at 3T; 19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Montreal (Canada), 7-13 May 2011, p. 504. (talk)Lattanzi R, Krigel A, Petchprapa C, Mikheev AV, Dunham K, Gyftopoulos S, Mamisch TC, Kim YJ, Rusinek H, Recht M and Glaser C, A new approach to analyze dGEMRIC measurements in femoroacetabular impingement; 19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Montreal (Canada), 7-13 May 2011, p. 3221. (electronic poster)
Lattanzi R and Sodickson DK, Physical insights from ideal current patterns resulting in ultimate intrinsic SNR: efficacy of traditional coils designs at low field strength and the need for new designs at high field; 19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Montreal (Canada), 7-13 May 2011, p. 3876. (electronic poster)
Deniz CM, Brown R, Alon L, Mcgorty KA, Fautz HP, Wiggins G, Sodickson DK, Zhu Y and Lattanzi R, MRI of the hip at 7T using RF shimming with 4-channel excitation; proceedings of the ISMRM Workshop on Ultra-High Field Systems & Applications. Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, 20-23 February 2011. (talk)
Alon L, Deniz CM, Lattanzi R, Wiggins G, Brown R, Sodickson DK and Zhu Y, An automated method for subject specific global SAR prediction in parallel transmission; 18th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Stockholm (Sweden), 1-7 May 2010, p. 780. (talk)Alon L, Deniz CM, Lattanzi R, Wiggins G, Brown R, Sodickson DK and Zhu Y, Local SAR calibration and prediction model in parallel transmit MRI; 18th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Stockholm (Sweden), 1-7 May 2010, p. 3869. (electronic poster)
Deniz CM, Alon L, Lattanzi R, Sodickson DK and Zhu Y, SAR benefits of including E-field interactions in parallel RF pulse design; 18th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Stockholm (Sweden), 1-7 May 2010, p. 4930. (electronic poster)
Duan Q, Sodickson DK, Lattanzi R, Zhang B and Wiggins GC, Optimizing 7T spine array design through offsetting of transmit and receive elements and quadrature excitations; 18th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Stockholm (Sweden), 1-7 May 2010, p. 51. (talk)
Wiggins GC, Zhang B, Lattanzi R, and Sodickson DK, Mid-bore excitation of traveling waves with an annular ladder resonator for 7T body imaging with reduced SAR; 18th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Stockholm (Sweden), 1-7 May 2010, p. 429. (talk)
Zhang B, Sodickson DK, Lattanzi R, Duan Q, Brown R, Stoeckel B and Wiggins G, Comparison of the traveling wave excitation and conventional excitation; 18th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Stockholm (Sweden), 1-7 May 2010, p. 1483. (poster)
Alon L, Deniz CM, Lattanzi R, Sodickson DK and Zhu Y, Automated in vivo global SAR prediction for parallel transmission; ISMRM Third International Workshop on Parallel MRI. Santa Cruz (CA), 23-26 October 2009. (talk)Lattanzi R, Electrodynamic limits for parallel transmission; ISMRM Third International Workshop on Parallel MRI. Santa Cruz (CA), 23-26 October 2009. (invited talk)
Lattanzi R, Zhu Y and Sodickson DK, Electrodynamic analysis of SAR and transmit homogeneity for RF shimming on a dielectric cylinder; 17th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Honolulu (HI), 18-24 April 2009, p. 4510. (electronic poster)
Deniz CM, Lattanzi R, Zhu Y, Wiggins G and Sodickson DK, RF energy deposition and RF power requirements in parallel transmission with increasing distance from the coil to the sample; 17th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Honolulu (HI), 18-24 April 2009, p. 4802. (electronic poster)
Duan Q, Wiggins G, Zhang B, Lattanzi R, Stoeckel B and Sodickson DK, SNR benefits of surface coil lift-off at high magnetic field strength; 17th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Honolulu (HI), 18-24 April 2009, p. 4742. (electronic poster)
Zhang B, Wiggins G, Duan Q, Lattanzi R and Sodickson DK, Whole-body traveling-wave imaging at 7 Tesla: simulations and early in-vivo experience; 17th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Honolulu (HI), 18-24 April 2009, p. 498. (talk)
Wiggins G, Duan Q, Lattanzi R and Sodickson DK, B1+ and SNR optimization of high field RF coils through offsetting of transmit and receive elements; 17th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Honolulu (HI), 18-24 April 2009, p. 2951. (poster)
Wiggins G, Zhang B, Duan Q, Lattanzi R, Biber S, Stoeckel B, McGorty K and Sodickson DK, 7 Tesla transmit-receive array for carotid imaging: simulation and experiment; 17th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Honolulu (HI), 18-24 April 2009, p. 393. (talk)
Lattanzi R, Grant AK, Zhu Y and Sodickson DK, Ultimate SAR and ideal current patterns in parallel transmission; 24th Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS). Cambridge, 2-6 July 2008. (talk)Lattanzi R, Grant AK and Sodickson DK, Approaching ultimate SNR and ideal current patterns with finite surface coil arrays on a dielectric cylinder; 16th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Toronto, 3-9 May 2008, p. 1074. (poster)
Lattanzi R, and Sodickson DK, Dyadic Green’s functions for electrodynamic calculations of ideal current patterns for optimal SNR and SAR; 16th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Toronto, 3-9 May 2008, p. 78. (talk)
Lattanzi R, Grant AK, Sodickson DK and Zhu Y, Electrodynamic constraints on homogeneity and RF power deposition in multiple coil excitations; 16th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Toronto, 3-9 May 2008, p. 614. (talk, winner of the I.I. Rabi Young Investigator Award competition)
Robson PM, Grant AK, Madhuranthakam AJ, Lattanzi R, Sodickson DK and McKenzie CA, Quantification of SNR and g-Factor for Parallel MRI: universal application to image-based and k-space based image reconstructions; 16th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Toronto, 3-9 May 2008, p. 1295. (poster)
Lattanzi R, Grant AK, Sodickson DK and Zhu Y, Electrodynamic constraints on minimum SAR in parallel excitation; proceedings of the the 15th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Berlin, 19-25 May 2007, p. 675. (talk)Lin FH, Lattanzi R, Grant AK and Sodickson DK, Ultimate intrinsic SNR of regularized parallel imaging and inverse imaging; proceedings of the the 15th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Berlin, 19-25 May 2007, p. 3346. (electronic poster)
Robson PM, Grant AK, Madhuranthakam AJ, Lattanzi R, Sodickson DK and McKenzie CA, Universal approach to quantification of SNR and g-factor for parallel MRI; proceedings of the the 15th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Berlin, 19-25 May 2007, p. 1747. (poster)
Lattanzi R, Grant AK, Sodickson DK and Zhu Y, Electrodynamic analysis of minimum RF power deposition in parallel excitation; proceedings of the ISMRM Workshop on Advances in High Field MR. Pacific Grove, CA, 25-28 March 2007. (talk)
2006 and before
Lattanzi R, Grant AK, Ohliger MA and Sodickson DK, Measuring practical coil array performance with respect to ultimate intrinsic SNR: a tool for array design and assessment; proceedings of the 14th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Seattle, WA, 6-12 May 2006, p. 424. (talk)Jaramaz B, Nikou C, Lattanzi R and DiGioia AM, Accuracy requirements in THR surgical navigation: effect of cup alignment error; proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference of the International Society of Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS). Marbella, Spain, 18-21 June 2003. (talk)
Eckman K, Nikou C, Lattanzi R, Jaramaz B and DiGioia AM, Experimental validation of hip range of motion simulator; proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference of the International Society of Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS). Marbella, Spain, 18-21 June 2003. (poster)
Viceconti M, Zannoni C, Lattanzi R and Petrone M, Efficacy of fully 3D monomodal interface in pre-operative planning of total hip replacement; proceedings of the 17th International Conference of Computer Assisted Surgery and Radiology (CARS). London, UK, 25-28 June 2003, p. 648-653. (talk)
Lattanzi R, Petrone M, Quadrani P, Zannoni C and Viceconti M, Applications of 3D medical imaging in orthopaedic surgery: introducing the Hip-op system; proceedings of the First International Symphosium on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT2002), Padova, 19-21 June 2002, p. 808-811. (poster)
Lattanzi R, Viceconti M, Quadrani P and Toni A, The Hip-Op surgical planning system; poster presentation at the BIONET Event “Biomechanics in the decade of bone & joints”, Brussels 27-29 April 2002. (poster)
Lattanzi R, Testi D, Quadrani P, Zannoni C and Toni A, The Hip-Op surgical system: validation and early clinical experience; 5thInternational Symphosium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE), Rome, 31 October – 3 November 2001. (talk)
Zannoni C, Quadrani P, Lattanzi R and Viceconti M, Evaluation of the effectiveness of 2D and 3D interfaces in Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery; proceedings of 2nd DIRECT European Workshop on High Performance Graphics System and Applications, Bologna, 16-17 October 2000, p. 79-80. (talk)
Current Classes
Instructor for EL6813/BE6203 (Medical Imaging), course director: Yao Wang (Fall 2016)
BMSC-GA 4427 – Practical Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1(*not offered in 2017*)
This course is a practical introduction to the basic components of signal excitation and detection in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The course is divided in three modules. The first part focuses on the fundamental mathematical tools needed to describe an MRI experiment and how they can be implemented in the Matlab software environment. The second part introduces students to the basics of pulse sequence design, providing examples and direct programming experience. In the third part, students will learn the principles of radiofrequency (RF) coil design and they will build a receive coil. The class involves significant laboratory work. Prerequisites are basic knowledge of C++, BMSC-GA 4404 or permission of the course director for students not enrolled in the Sackler training program in biomedical imaging.
Suggested Textbooks:
J. Thomas Vaughan and John R. Griffiths, RF coils for MRI, Wiley-Liss, 2012. ISBN 978-0-470-77076-4
M. A. Bernstein, K. F. King and X. J. Zhou, Handbook of MRI Pulse Sequences, Academic Press, 2004. ISBN 0120928612 -
Manushka Vaidya
PhD candidate
Function: Graduate Student
Affiliation: CAI²R