Yong Liu
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, NYU Tandon
Phone: | 646.997.3959 |
Email: | yongliu@nyu.edu |
Office: | 370 Jay Street, 9th Fl, Brooklyn, NY 11201 |

Yong Liu is a full professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering department of the Tandon School of Engineering of the New York University. He received his Ph.D. degree from Electrical and Computer Engineering department at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in May 2002. His current research directions include next generation networks and applications, overlay networks, network measurement, online social networks, and recommender systems. He is a Fellow of IEEE and member of ACM. He served as associate editor for the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, and Elsevier Computer Networks Journal. He is the winner of the Best Paper Award of ACM/USENIX Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2012, the National Science Foundation Career Award in 2010, the Best Paper Award of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) in 2009, and the IEEE Communication Society Multimedia Communications Best Paper Award in 2008. More information about him is available at: http://eeweb.poly.edu/faculty/yongliu/
Yong Liu’s research is supported in part by CATT and NYU WIRELESS.
- Design, Analysis and Simulation of Communication Networks
- Modeling, Control and Optimization of Complex Systems
- Yongxiang Zhao, Yong Liu, Changjia Chen, and JianYin Zhang,
“Enabling P2P One-view Multi-party Video Conferencing”,
accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems; - Xinggong Zhang, Yang Xu, Hao Hu, Yong Liu, Zongming Guo, and Yao Wang,“Modeling and Analysis of Skype Video Calls: Rate Control and Video Quality”, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia;
- Ye Tian, Ratan Dey, Yong Liu, and Keith W. Ross,
“Topology Mapping and Geolocating for Chinas Internet”,
accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems; - Yang Guo, Chao Liang, and Yong Liu,
“Hierarchically Clustered P2P Video Streaming: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation”, in Elsevier Computer Networks Journal, Volume 56, Issue 15, October, 2012 ; - Xiwang Yang, Yang Guo, and Yong Liu,
“Bayesian-inference Based Recommendation in Online Social Networks”,
accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems; - Chao Liang and Yong Liu,
“Enabling Broadcast of User-Generated Live Video without Servers”,
in Journal of Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (PPNA), Volume 5, Number 3, 2012; - Chao Liang, Miao Zhao, and Yong Liu,
“Optimal Bandwidth Sharing in Multi-Swarm Multi-Party P2P Video Conferencing Systems”, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 19, Number 6, Pages 1704 – 1716, December, 2011; - Hao Hu, Yang Guo, and Yong Liu,
“Peer-to-Peer Streaming of Layered Video: Efficiency, Fairness and Incentive”,
in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technologies, Volume 21, Number 8, Pages 1013 – 1026, August 2011; - Yong Liu,
“Delay Bounds of Chunk-based Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming”,
in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 18, Number 4, Pages 1195 – 1206, August 2010; - Di Wu, Yong Liu and Keith Ross,
“Modeling and Analysis of Multi-Channel P2P Live Video Systems”,
in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 18, Number 4, Pages 1248 – 1260, August 2010; - Sha Hua, Yang Guo, Yong Liu, Hang Liu, and Shivendra Panwar,
“Scalable Video Multicast in Hybrid 3G/Ad-hoc Networks”,
in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Volume 13, Number 2, Pages 402 – 413, April 2011; - Di Wu, Chao Liang, Yong Liu and Keith Ross,
“Redesigning Multi-Channel P2P Video Systems with View-Upload Decoupling”,
in ELSEVIER Computer Networks journal, Volume 54, Issue 12, August, 2010; - Chao Liang, Zhenghua Fu, Yong Liu and Chai Wah Wu,
“iPASS: Incentivized Peer-assisted System for Asynchronous Streaming”,
in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 21, Number 9, Pages 1354 – 1367, September, 2010; - Tan Ba Le and Yong Liu,
“On the Capacity of Hybrid Wireless Networks with Opportunistic Routing”,
in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Volume 2010, Pages 32 – 40, January 2010; - Zhiyong Huang, Xiaoping Zeng, and Yong Liu,
“Detecting and Blocking P2P Botnets through Contact Tracing Chains”,
in International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, Volume 5, No.1/2, Pages 44 – 54, 2010; - Chao Liang, Yang Guo and Yong Liu,
“Investigating the Scheduling Sensitivity of P2P Video Streaming: an experimental study”, in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Volume 11, Number 3, Pages 348 – 360, April 2009; - Yong Liu, Yang Guo and Chao Liang,
“A Survey on Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming Systems”,
in Journal of Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (PPNA), (Springer), Pages 18 – 28, February, 2008 (most downloaded paper of PPNA); - Xiaojun Hei, Yong Liu and Keith Ross,
“IPTV over P2P Streaming Networks: the Mesh-pull Approach”,
in IEEE Communications Magazine, Pages 86 – 92, February, 2008; - Xiaojun Hei, Yong Liu and Keith Ross,
“Inferring Network-Wide Quality in P2P Live Streaming Systems”,
in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, special issue on advances in P2P streaming, Volume 25, Number 9, Pages 1640 – 1654, December 2007, awarded the Best Paper in Multimedia
Communications by IEEE Communications Society in 2008; - Xiaojun Hei, Chao Liang, Jian Liang, Yong Liu and Keith Ross,
“A Measurement Study of a Large-Scale P2P IPTV System”,
in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Volume 9, Number 8, Pages 1672 – 1687, December, 2007; - Weibo Gong, Yong Liu, Vishal Misra and Don Towsley,
“Self-Similarity and Long Range Dependence on the Internet: A second look at the evidence, origins and implications”, in Computer Networks Journal, Volume 48, Issue 3, Pages 377 – 399, June 2005; - Yong Liu, Francesco Lo Presti, Vishal Misra, Don Towsley and Yu Gu,
“Scalable Fluid Models and Simulations for Large-Scale IP Networks”,
in ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Vol. 14, No. 3,
Pages 305 – 324, July 2004; - Yong Liu and Weibo Gong,
“On Fluid Queueing System with Strict Priority”,
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Volume 48, No. 12,
Pages 2079 – 2088, December, 2003; - Yong Liu and Weibo Gong,
“Perturbation Analysis for Stochastic Fluid Queueing Systems”,
in Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, Volume 12, No. 4,
Pages 391– 416, 2002; - Yong Liu and Guozhong Pang,
“Reconfigurable Sequential Control in Distributed Computer Control Systems”,
in Journal of Micro-computer Informatics [in Chinese], October, 1997;
- Guibin Tian and Yong Liu,
“Towards Agile and Smooth Video Adaptation in Dynamic HTTP Streaming”,
in the Proceedings of ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT 2012), December, 2012, (Acceptance Ratio: 18%); - Yang Xu, Chenguang Yu, Jingjiang Li, and Yong Liu,
“Video Telephony for End-consumers: Measurement Study of Google+, iChat, and Skype”, in the Proceedings of ACM/USENIX Internet Measurement Conference (IMC 2012), Full Paper, November, 2012, (Acceptance Ratio: 19%, sole winner of the Best Paper Award); - Zhengye Liu, Yuan Ding, Yong Liu, and Keith Ross,
“Peer-Assisted Distribution of User Generated Content”, in the Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, September,
2012, (Acceptance Ratio: 24%); - Xiwang Yang, Harald Steck, Yang Guo, and Yong Liu,
“On Top-k Recommendation using Social Networks”,
in the Proceedings of 6th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2012), Long Paper, September, 2012, (Acceptance Ratio: 20:2%); - Xiwang Yang, Harald Steck and Yong Liu,
“Circle-based Recommendation in Online Social Networks”,
in the Proceedings of ACMSIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), Long Paper, August, 2012 (Acceptance Ratio: 17:6%); - Xinggong Zhang, Yang Xu, Hao Hu, Yong Liu, Zongming Guo, and Yao Wang, “Profiling Skype Video Calls: Rate Control and Video Quality”,
in the Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer and Communications (INFOCOM), March, 2012, (Acceptance Ratio: 18%); - Ye Tian, Ratan Dey, Yong Liu, and Keith W. Ross,
“Chinas Internet: Topology Mapping and Geolocating”,
in the Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer and Communications (INFOCOM) Mini-Conference, March, 2012; - Xiwang Yang, Yang Guo, and Yong Liu,
“Bayesian-inference Based Recommendation in Online Social Networks”,
in the Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer and Communications (INFOCOM) Mini-Conference, April, 2011, (Acceptance Ratio: 22:3%); - Chao Liang and Yong Liu,
“ViVUD: Virtual Server Cluster based View-Upload Decoupling for Multi-Channel P2P Video Streaming Systems”, in the Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2010; - Tan Ba Le and Yong Liu,
“Opportunistic Overlay Multicast in Wireless Networks”,
in the Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2010; - Hao Hu, Yang Guo, and Yong Liu,
“Mesh-based Peer-to-Peer Layered Video Streaming With Taxation”,
in the Proceedings of ACM Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), Pages 27 – 32, June, 2010; - Zhengye Liu, Hao Hu, Yong Liu, Keith Ross, Yao Wang, and Markus Mobius,
“P2P Trading in Social Networks: The Value of Staying Connected”,
in the Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer and Communications (INFOCOM), Pages 2489 – 2497, March, 2010 (Acceptance Ratio: 17:4%); - Yan Cai, Yong Liu, Weibo Gong and Tilman Wolf,
“Impact of Arrival Burstiness on Queue Length: An Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis”, in the Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Pages 7068 – 7073, December, 2009; - Sha Hua, Yang Guo, Yong Liu, Hang Liu, and Shivendra Panwar,
“Scalable Video Multicast in Hybrid 3G/Ad-hoc Networks”,
in the Proceedings of IEEE IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Pages 4662 – 4667, November, 2009; - Di Wu, Yong Liu and Keith Ross,
“Queuing Network Models for Multi-Channel P2P Live Streaming Systems”,
in the Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer and Communications (INFOCOM), Pages 73 – 81, April, 2009, (Acceptance Ratio: 19%, sole winner of the Best Paper Award); - Chao Liang, Zhenghua Fu, Yong Liu, and Chai Wah Wu,
“iPASS: Incentivized Peer-assisted System for Asynchronous Streaming”,
in the Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer and Communications (INFOCOM) Mini-Conference, Pages 2741 – 2745, April, 2009, (Acceptance Ratio: 26%); - Di Wu, Chao Liang, Yong Liu and Keith Ross,
“View-Upload Decoupling: A Redesign of Multi-Channel P2P Video Systems”,
in the Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer and Communications (INFOCOM) Mini-Conference, Pages 2726 – 2730, April, 2009, (Acceptance Ratio: 26%);
- Yongxiang Zhao, Yong Liu, Changjia Chen, and JianYin Zhang,